I am finally posting Wyatt's 2 month stats! Better now then never....his 4 month appt is approaching next month!
13.6lbs (75%)
24.5inches (80%)
his head was 15 3/4(35% - lil head!)
Wyatt is such a good boy, we just cant imagine what it was like before he was here! He is a feisty little guy, always moving! I mean ALWAYS...he is hard to hold since he cant sit still (just like his mama!). He is sleeping really well at night now, we have had a few nights where he has slept 12+ hours without getting up....I am crossing my fingers that this continues. He talks more and more, we call him the sick cat - thats what his coos sound like! I started back at the gym a few weeks ago, so Emmy and Wy go to the daycare there. Much more traumatic for Emerson, though now she walks right in, blows me a kiss and says see ya later! The daycare ladies love Wyatt, he always goes in there in his car seat and when I come to pick him up he is being held...they cant resist :). On Wyatt's 3 month birthday he rolled over! He rolled from his back to his tummy....he has been rolling tummy to back a bit longer. Like I said this kid would get up and run if he could!