9 years ago
Thursday, January 27, 2011
oh...Ava Louise
Meet my god-daughter, Ava Louise Flores. She is a gem. Such a sweet 3 month old, calm, GREAT sleeper....and look at all that hair. We were able to be in Illinois for Ava's Christening this past weekend....what a great day. We love you Weaza-Weaze....as your nick-name, abbreviating queen mama calls you!!!!
Besties....times "2"
The Buser and Flores kids! Can you believe between our 2 families we have FOUR munchkins! Emmy and Ellie are 2 months apart and Wyatt at Ava are 5 month apart. I am so lucky that I gotten to experience pregnancy and now raising our families with my best friend, Mandy. I would not want to go through this with anyone else! How amazing that our kids are the same ages too, this makes our trips to see eachother so much fun. Long gone our the days of our Key West New Years...though I miss that dearly, I would not trade this part of life for anything. Even though they live in Illinois, when I pick up the phone its like she lives next door. We talk nearly every week for far too much time....mostly talking about our kids now. What they are doing, how batty our oldests are making us etc. These pictures make me smile ear to ear.....Emmy loving on Wyatt, Emmy and Ellie are the only ones really looking at the camera. Sweet Ava is just as calm as ever. And check out my Wyatt with that grin....oh my is he beautiful!
Blue eyed beauties...
Thing 2 and Thing 1
Double Trouble
Pizza Pizza
Can you get over these darling little girls? I cant. This is Emerson and her best friend Ellie, they have known eachother since birth just like their mommy's. This trip was great as each of these darlings are pushing 3 years of age. Their relationship this time around was love/hate, one minute they were hugging and the next they were fighting....Mandy and I loved every minute of it. I have loved watching these two grow for the past 2.5 years, their little personalities are so different but so very similiar. Our family of four, plus Nana and Papa packed up this past weekend and headed to balmy Chicago for sweet baby Ava's baptism (Mandy and Joe's newest addition).
I am one lucky mama.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wyatt at 7 months
I cant believe my little Wy-man is already 7 months old! He is the absolute best thing in the world, I seriously cant get enough of him and his little cherub these days. I love that I am home with both of my kids, I enjoy them both so very much. Little Wy is totally a mama's boy and I could not be happier. He loves having me RIGHT there, and when I sneak away for a second he knows it and starts to wine. He loves Emerson to pieces....I dont know what they would do all day without eachother. She wants him right there all the time, even though she is constantly tormenting him! Her latest is when he is laying on his belly (wood floors), she picks up his legs and pulls him around the house like a rag doll. I roll over this as it is too funny, and of course Wyatt does not seem to mind....but I have tried to convey to Emmy through my laughter that this is not a nice thing to do! Luckily, I have been able to get a video of it on my flip camera!
Wyatt at 7 months:
- has 2 bottom teeth
- sits up like a pro
- is crawling all over (baby gate is back in position!)
- can crawl up and down the one stair to our sunken living room, probably his favorite thing
- loves to take the dirt out of my house plants and play in it
- eats 4 jars of baby food and day and 4 bottles
- takes one afternoon nap a day
- is a champion sleeper through the night (finally!)
- is a light sleeper
- loves baths!
- loves to be held and snuggle with mommy and daddy
- is in size 3 diapers
- wears 12 month clothes
- has not said dada or mama yet, but is always grunting and baby talking
- is the happiest, smiliest and cutest baby boy ever
We love you so much Wyatt Scott!

I cant believe I am even writing that we Coloradans have been wishing for snow, but we have! We have had such a beautiful and dry winter so far, that the latest snow was awesome! We woke up to snow on New Years Eve. Steve and Emmy had a blast sledding in our front yard. We don't have a sled yet, so Steve sat Emerson down on his snowboard and away she went! Our neighbors saw what Steve had done and immediately brought out their grandkids sled for Em to borrow! She was out there for about an hour and had so, so, so much fun! Wyatt and I stayed cozy and warm inside sneaking peaks at Emmy and Steve....then we made her some hot chocolate when she finally retired inside.
I cant believe I am even writing that we Coloradans have been wishing for snow, but we have! We have had such a beautiful and dry winter so far, that the latest snow was awesome! We woke up to snow on New Years Eve. Steve and Emmy had a blast sledding in our front yard. We don't have a sled yet, so Steve sat Emerson down on his snowboard and away she went! Our neighbors saw what Steve had done and immediately brought out their grandkids sled for Em to borrow! She was out there for about an hour and had so, so, so much fun! Wyatt and I stayed cozy and warm inside sneaking peaks at Emmy and Steve....then we made her some hot chocolate when she finally retired inside.
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