Friday, May 27, 2011

The Graduate

Adam graduated from Colorado State University on May 14, 2011!  We had a great day and evening up in Fort Collins celebrating with Adam....we missed you Brad!  Oh, and no cap to go with that gown....Adam threw that upon graduating!  Sorry Mom.

Great Gram

My grandma came to town a couple of weeks ago for Adam's graduation.  It was great to have her here for a few days, and of course the kids love it too!

SO big!

love that smile

Happy Mothers Day

We had a beautiful Mothers Day in Colorado this year...the weather was perfect!  I wish I could say that for spring in general, but we have not had one!  We had my parents over for a delicious brunch after church and then my mom and I headed to get pedicures.  Perfect day....and how lucky am I to celebrate this great day with my 2 gorgeous children and amazing husband!

The kids love their hats....

Yes, those are little curls coming out of his hat!

oh Wyatt

I love you so, so, so much!  Even through those little tantrums and tears!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my loves

swim lessons

Emmy loves to swim and has been a water baby since she was a tot.  We signed her up for swim lessons this spring for the first time and she loves them!  Her first day was a bit rocky...she was scared of her male teacher.  So she switched classes (to a more advanced class) and she has never looked back.  Emmy is by far the youngest in the class, and her teacher is amazing.  The other kids are really starting to swim on their own and as you can see Emerson is not there yet, but she is learning and has no fear.  She can now go totally underwater by herself while standing in the pool, kicks and puts her face in when her teaching is holding her, and floats on her back.  She is loving swim lessons so we cant wait till the next session starts up.  Way to go Em!

11 months and counting

I cant believe this little guy is going to be ONE in a few weeks.  I could say where has the time gone, but I very well can recollect every month of his short existence.  Life with two kids is crazy, but it is amazing at the same time.  Wyatt is so the 2nd child and really goes with the flow, just likes a clean tooshie, food in his belly, a warm bottle and lots of snuggles.  Easy!

At 11 months Wyatt is:

- cruising around furniture or anything he can pull himself up next to furniture
- climbing up our stairs, he has no clue how to get down.  did I mention we have hardwood stairs....
- loving dirt....anytime he can get into my houseplants and play in the dirt and eat it, he is thrilled
- still on baby food....stage 3's at least.  this guy loves food, but he is not into the textures of table food!  we feed him table food and he sucks on it until it melts away.  soon enough...
- on one long afternoon nap a day
- saying mama and dada
- waives hi or bye-bye
- is a super fast crawler....he will dart out of site in no time
- loving my blackberry...fantastic
- has a few ringlets in that not-so-straight (anymore) hair...hooray I hope he gets my curls!
- has 7 teeth....4 on top and 3 on bottom
- ready for summer....he loves being outdoors!

SO three

Emerson is such a three year old now!  I am not sure what has happened over the last month, but this little girl is growing up before my eyes.  She is so inquisitive and always has a question.  She talks my ear off ALL.DAY. LONG.  She wants to paint, color, dance, play toys, watch a program, go outside on her playset, go swimming, go to daycare at the gym, go to a birthday party, go to a friends house.....the list goes on!  Now if we are home in the morning (which is rare!) she will ask me where I am taking her that day.  I think, no I know she is just like me and likes to be a busy bee!

Easter Sunday

Our only family picture of the mom cut off our heads and Emmy refused to stand with us....and yes, Wyatt is taking after sissy!

The better of the two...Emerson opted out of this shot.
We had a great Easter this year with our family.  Emerson woke us up as usual and was thrilled to come downstairs to an Easter basket full of goodies.  The Easter bunny brought Emmy some kickin sunglasses and of course a necklace/bracelet set.  The girl can not get enough accessories!  Wyatt slept through breakfast and baskets....we got him up just in time for a bottle and off to church we went.  The kids did great at mass, Wyatt only started to fuss towards the end.  My parents had the family over for a delicious brunch that afternoon.

Two Princesses

Emmy and her cute friend Kelly are all about princesses these days....the girls were over here last week for a play date and dressed accordingly.  Having a girl is the best!

So sweet...

I caught Emmy playing like this the other day....such a beautiful little girl I have!  She go her game out of our craft cabinet and was trying to play it by herself.  She has such a great imagination and plays so well alone.