I cant believe this little guy is going to be ONE in a few weeks. I could say where has the time gone, but I very well can recollect every month of his short existence. Life with two kids is crazy, but it is amazing at the same time. Wyatt is so the 2nd child and really goes with the flow, just likes a clean tooshie, food in his belly, a warm bottle and lots of snuggles. Easy!
At 11 months Wyatt is:
- cruising around furniture or anything he can pull himself up next to furniture
- climbing up our stairs, he has no clue how to get down. did I mention we have hardwood stairs....
- loving dirt....anytime he can get into my houseplants and play in the dirt and eat it, he is thrilled
- still on baby food....stage 3's at least. this guy loves food, but he is not into the textures of table food! we feed him table food and he sucks on it until it melts away. soon enough...
- on one long afternoon nap a day
- saying mama and dada
- waives hi or bye-bye
- is a super fast crawler....he will dart out of site in no time
- loving my blackberry...fantastic
- has a few ringlets in that not-so-straight (anymore) hair...hooray I hope he gets my curls!
- has 7 teeth....4 on top and 3 on bottom
- ready for summer....he loves being outdoors!