Our sweet Emerson Kate has joined the educational rank, preschool that is! She started today at Joyful Mission Preschool and loves it. We have been talking about school for sometime now, and Emmy was thrilled that today was really the day she got to go. Emmy walked right in school this morning and did not even look back, she was so happy to be there....my little social butterfly. Luckily, she has been going to the daycare at the gym for the last year on a weekly basis, so she had no worries about me leaving her. Of course we discussed when I would be back to pick her up, she needed to have all her ducks in a row :). She gave me a big hug and kiss and said "see ya later mom". Love that she is so independent at 3 years old. Wyatt and I returned to pick her up and she talked all about her first day of preschool the entire way home. She was very curious as to what Wyatt and I did without her. Enjoy my beautiful girl.....
This is what happens when I ask her to smile! |