Emmy and her best friend Kelly |
her expressions are priceless |
and they keep getting better.... |
now Reagan is in on it! |
my little duck |
he insisted on wearing his boots OVER his duck feet |
Emmy and Brayden....again another priceless smile |
siblings.... |
he's free.... |
now this one is sweet as can be! |
We had such a great Halloween this year, and the weather was perfect. We met up with some friends and took the kids to Main Street in Parker....they shut it down and the kids can trick or street at the store fronts. Perfect, considering our neighborhood has no sidewalks or street lamps! They even had a jump castle that Emerson loved. Her best girlfriend Kelly and her little sister Reagan were there with us as well as her friends....the twins, Brayden and Elliott. Halloween is by far my least favorite holiday, so I don't make the effort I should for the kids. They usually wear costumes that my mom has saved from when we were kids....which is perfect, but as Emerson gets older I really need to consciously try harder. She was going to be a clown, again a costume that was mine when I was her age, but she was not the biggest fan of it. Makes sense since my girl is the girliest of them all! Thankfully we have some dress up clothes and Emerson wanted to wear her princess dress, not the crown, her pink headband and mardi gras beads....perfection, and her bed head of hair only adds to her cuteness. Luckily Wyatt thought wearing his duck costume was just about the best thing in the world, other than wearing his brown boots. He had a major temper tantrum at home before we left as we were trying to put his boots under his costume so the cute orange duck feet would show....no luck.