
Emerson is so full of life! She is the best daughter in the world, and though she drives me batty (talking ALL the time!) I could not love her any more! She is so fun these days, talking, talking talking, questions, questions, questions! Steve and I find ourselves laughing at something she did or said daily. Her latest is every morning when we plug in all the Christmas decorations she tells me, "Mommy, I love Christmas" how sweet. She is a demanding little thing....before she even gets out of bed, she tells me she wants: milk, cold oatmeal (granola cereal) and raisin toast. She will not stop asking until it in on her plate on her high chair sitting in front of her morning cartoons.
People always ask how is she doing with Wyatt, and really it could not be better. She adores him to pieces, wants to be near him all the time. They play together on the floor now with toys and she torments him like any old sister would do to a little brother. She cant wait to go in his room every morning when he wakes up. She stands his crib rails and yells "Good morning buddy"! Wyatt loves her right back, he is a smiley baby.....but Emerson gets him right away.
I included a picture of Emmy and her "night-night" lamb. Night-night does not go anywhere without Emerson, and usually her thumb can be found in her mouth when he is around. Periodically night-night needs a bath as you can imagine! We give him a "bath" with the bath towels in the wash machine. This last time Emerson pretty much had a panic attack when he was in the washer...she stood at the laundry room door waiting for the cycle to be done. And no, no blow dry (dryer) for night-night....he went right into her arms nice and damp. Traumatizing.
Love you Emerson, Emmy, Schmem, Schmemmy, Schmoopy