We had so much fun on Halloween this year....and yes, it is by far my LEAST favorite holiday so this says a lot! Emerson was a dalmatian puppy (my mom made the costume for my brother Adam when he was her age) and Wyatt was a monkey. Emmy was all about her costume...wanted to wear it all the time and knew exactly what she was and what her little brother was dressed up as. We took the kids to old town Parker this year, they shut down Main Street and had the kids trick or treat at the store fronts...just perfect. Emmy had too much fun, but she had an encounter with a scary costume that we called "Dr. Death" and from that point on she was over it....don't blame her! After trick or treating we came home to some yummy chili in the crock pot and the few trick or treaters we get out here in The Pinery. I will say Emmy would jump off the couch every time the door bell rang....she loved giving out the candy!
9 years ago
Adorable!! I love reading your blog ....by the way, your kitchen looks great! Excited to catch up tomorrow...in person :-) See you soon!