Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Post....

I am starting the Buser Family blog...this way we can keep in contact with friends and family. I am good at taking pictures of the kids so here is to hoping that I am just as good at making these blog posts! I have followed many good friends blogs over the years and it really is a great way to keep in touch with those that live far away.

Life is great here...esp now that I am not pregnant and Wyatt is officially here! He is such a great addition to our family. He has been a great baby since he was born, we are so very lucky. I was able to celebrate my 32nd birthday yesterday. We started the day at Monkey Bizness (a indoor play land) for Emerson and ended it at a great restaurant for dinner with some close friends.

I will leave you with a few recent pictures of the kids that I have taken.....


  1. YEAH!!! So glad you started a blog! Wyatt is oh so cute! Happy Happy belated birthday. We were up at Bear lake all weekend, no internet. Hope it was fantastic! Love ya

  2. Love the blog, Amanda!! The kids are both too cute for words. Happy Birthday!
    xoxo Jody
