Friday, March 18, 2011

my favorite people

Before heading home from San Diego I wanted to get some pictures of the cutest kids and husband in the world!  Ron and Kathy not only have a beautful home, but their yard is a perfect backdrop.  Wyatt enjoyed sucking on an orange....that was until he bit a huge chunk out of it and got it stuck in his mouth!  That boy has some BIG teeth.  Emmy is not one to pose for the more photos of Wyatt here.  Enjoy....


  1. WOW these are great pics you will cherish forever, I can see you photography skills really coming out and I love it!! Keep 'em comin!

  2. Is it just me or does Wyatt look just like you Mands?!! He is so cute and smiley, love it. Looks like you guys had a blast, so fun!
